Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Badnarik's Constitution Class Online
- Allan in Highwood
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Break the Matrix Starts its Social Networking Site and Already Has A Few Good Articles
- Allan in Highwood
BreakTheMatrix Announces Grand Opening And Ron Paul Book Bomb
Posted: 28 Apr 2008 04:43 PM CDT
We are pleased to announce the grand opening of BreakTheMatrix! Our social networking website is up, running and active at, and sign ups for membership are open. Join us; we’re off to a great start; 1,500 people have joined us in only a week (and we’re still in beta testing). Become a part of our freedom community; and let’s come together and change our mainstream media in America NOW AND FOREVER. Visit our site; sign up—we think you’ll like what you see!
For our grand opening event, we’re hosting a BOOK BOMB for “Revolution: A Manifesto” at Ron Paul’s masterpiece officially goes on sale on April 30, and we’re taking BOOK BOMB pledges at our website to drive Manifesto to NUMBER ONE on the best seller lists from the day it hits the market. Pledge to buy Ron Paul’s book; let’s get this outstanding work right to the top! “REVOLUTION: A MANIFESTO” Join with us in the BOOK BOMB all this week; enter your pledge to buy a copy; and let’s drive some book numbers. Oh, and by the way, it’s a great read.
GRAND OPENING at BOOK BOMB for “Revolution: A Manifesto” by Ron Paul. It doesn’t get much better than that. Welcome.
Ron Paul GOP Activism
And GOP party insiders are starting to take note. One of those is Patrick Ruffini who raises his concerns about that very development in a blogpost titled The GOP and the Six Million. His analysis of the dynamics at play is sound and it reads like this:
The Internet empowers geographically distributed communities to fund campaigns, to set the tenor of media coverage, to explode little YouTube clips into a big, big deal. These are the 5-6 million people on each side who can be inspired enough to sign up for the nominee’s email list, visit blogs, spread messages and volunteer. In caucuses, these types of people represent 100% of the turnout universe (including older people if you take out some of the tech references). Let’s round up and call these groups the Six Million (this is a smaller group, I think, than “the base”)...And then there is the passage that probably best reveals Ruffini's concerns as he talks about the convention in St. Paul.: "Can the speakers safely voice a pro-victory message [sic] in Iraq without a significant amount of boos and catcalls?". No, they cannot because a substantive number of people in the base are fed up with spending frivolous amounts of treasury on needless wars that in no way make the country any safer but threaten its longtern well-being instead. And they are making themselves being heard more and more.
Even now, many envision they can create grassroots organizations from the top down, using an issues matrix conjured up by a pollster. Sadly, it’s not that easy. When the right idea to energize the Six Million comes, it won’t come from a “MoveOn of the right” occupying a D.C. office suite funded by an initial round of 7-figure commitments. It will come from someone working outside their den in far outside the Beltway hosting a little activist website that hits the right message at the right time on a $7 shared server.
All in all this is reassuring. The powers to be are taking note. I highly recommend you to read all the posts in the discussion that follows this article. There are quite a few well thaught out points being made by some of the posters.
-- Johannes from NYC
An Email that I received last week from Nevada
This is an email that I received this week
from Nevada but did not want to post before
the convention. It makes it clear that the
dirty tricks campaign did not just happen
the day of the convention, or the day of the
primaries, or many days prior to the primaries.
Nevada was, and continues to be a hard fought
state. One would think that the already
inaugurated GOP nominee would not have to
perform such dirty tricks. One would also
think that dirty tricks would not have to be
used against a disarmed opponent. The Ron
Paul revolution is alive and well in Nevada.
It is returning to life in Chicago.
- Allan in Highwood
Dear Ron Paul Supporter:
Our Supporters are being polled by the McCain
campaign. We are being asked the following
questions (paraphrased):
1. Given that the surge appears to be working,
do you support the Iraq war?
2. Do you think the Patriot Act has been
responsible for us not being attacked again?
3. Who did you support at the caucus.
Suggested Answers:
1. Yes, I love the surge. We're winning the war.
2. Yes, the Patriot Act has been great for our safety.
3. I supported (anyone except Ron Paul) at the caucus.
They are gaging our numbers. Do not give them
the information they will use against us. Do
not answer truthfully. This is not about Ron
Paul pride. This is about winning the
convention, and information is power. Keep your
support to yourself until the convention on
Yours In Liberty,
(I will keep his name off of this email)
Report from Nevada GOP Caucus
This just appeared in my inbox sent from Adam
in meetup group 109. Please accept my apologies
on the length and formatting. It's good stuff,
none the less. The article did a good job
helping me visualize the atmosphere of the
event. I am unable to verify the facts. This
article seems to be a good companion to the
article that Dan posted earlier today. Thank
you, Adam.
- Allan in 60040
Report from Nevada GOP Caucus.
Ernest Hancock
Website: www.ernesthancock. com
Date: 04-26-2008
Subject: Presidential Campaigns for 2008 - United States
1417 is the number of credentialed delegates
that can vote and a quorum is 709.
At the beginning of the Convention the State
GOP/McCain campaign tried to limit who could
be considered delegates. This prompted a floor
fight that went on for hours. The record crowd
wondered why they were there if the people to
be voted on were already predetermined.
Already the 3 congressional districts have gone
(3 delegates for each Congressional District)
One district has awarded all 3 to Ron Paul, the
second district went, One for Ron Paul, One for
John McCain and One for NV.
US Senator John Ensign and the third congressional
district is unknown since the convention authorities
won't tell.
Nevada's US Senator Bob Beers is also permanent chair
of the convention. He approached the podium at 6pm
banged gavel and said we lost the room, we're in recess
and have to figure out another way another time to elect
the remaining 22 delegates to the national convention
and left the room.... but a quorum was present and
the people were not finished :)
After the hotel stated that they had no
problem with another 3 hours of room
use someone tried turning off the lights.
After running off as many as possible
during the confusion the lights started
coming back on. Ron Paul supporters are
now getting as many back as possible to
get the 709 needed to continue to vote
for the 22 more delegates that need to
be elected.
The lights are back on and now the microphones
are coming back on and the convention chair is
being asked to take a qurorum count,.... Bob
Beers is nowhere to be found soooo....
Brock Lorber our on the scene correspondent(and
delegate) will call me back with more shortly :).
I'll get it to you as I hear about it while I am
now in Washington DC (gott'a love the Internet
and modern communications :)
Brock just called and said that the convention
chair refused to reappear. A quorum call was
taken and they were short of the 709 by over 100 (I
think he said 580 something). Observers to the
congressional delegate count told them the numbers
of the delegates from the congressional delegates
for the two districts that they were involved in
but the third district ballots have been confiscated
by the GOP and sealed and so have the other two
congressional districts without an official report
to the convention.
Now the remaining 500+ delegates to the convention
are acting as a 'Committee of the Whole' to verify
I talked to several Ron Paul delegates at the
convention that confirmed how the State GOP
tried multiple methods to limit which delegates
were to be selected from and when that didn't
work their next tactic was to drag out the process
as long as possible to claim that there was no more
time and end the process. Once this was done all of
the McCain/GOP suits left.
I was also told that CSPAN began covering the
Convention but soon left after it was clear that
it was getting more complicated than could be rationally
explained on TV.
Brock called again to say that a second call for
a quorum was taken and it fell short. When it was
clear that it was over and the delegates began to
leave they found over 50 people standing in another
room wanting to be around in case there was a quorum
meet but didn't want it to happen so they hid :)
Nevada Senator Bob Beers, convention chair, told Brian
Komisky (Ron Paul's Southern Nevada chair) that most
likely the convention will come out of recess in Las
9:30pm update (Nevada Time)
Confirmed by delegates who witnessed a conversation
between the state party chairwoman, Sue Lowden at
just before 6pm, with counters from the counting
room and McCain functionaries that of the 9
Congressional Delegates up for grabs - 7 had gone to
Ron Paul. These numbers were told to the state party
chair and the McCain campaign people implored the
chair to stop the State Convention. Soon after this
conversation the Convention chair Nevada US Senator
Bob Beers put the Convention in recess and the lights
were turned off.
A 5th delegate in attendance just reported to me that
just before 6pm there were several women running through
the crowd looking for McCain supporters.
Declaring to be a McCain supporter she was told that they
all had to get out of the convention hall immediately. The
delegate argued that a lot of party business was yet to be
finished (Platform, delegates etc.) but was told that
they would conduct business by email if they had to but that
the Ron Paul people had taken over the convention and they
had to get under the number needed to have a quorum.
Another delegate told me that they heard
the Convention chair, Nevada US Senator
Bob Beers say, "I'll save you the trouble,
I'm making the announcement that we are out
of time".
I'm really looking forward to the details
of how a bunch of invisible freedom
supporters exposed the GOP for what it is.
THIS is the WIN that I have been working
very hard for. It is the "system" that is
the enemy (and the Bad Guys that always
wind up in charge of it).
Another update: The RNC was involved :)
After the chairman's, Senator Bob Beers,
cowardly exit, it's clear that he and the
other neocons would rather keep themselves
in power by turning a state convention into
a travesty of justice than to allow people
to vote for the candidate of their choice.
It wasn't clear who would have won: Ron
Paul or John McCain, but by taking away our
choice he has taken part in turning this
country into a banana republic, and had made
a terrible example to Americans and the
world of what America should be about.
The entire convention was filmed by SNCAT,
an impartial observer whose purpose is to
simply report the actual news, no spin,
no lies, just the facts.
The convention (subject to time limits)
will be broadcast on Public Access Television
this Wednesday, April 30th, at 8:00pm. They
welcome people who took part in the convention
(and they don't care which candidate you
support) to state your observations and
comments, on camera, during the broadcast.
If you can express yourself well verbally and
willing to do so in front of a camera, please
contact Dennis Grover, 775-284-1388,
dennis@liberyandjus ticeforall. tv, or contact
SNCAT at 775-828-1211.
I've written a very hard hitting one-minute ad
for Ron Paul vs. John McCain which WILL jettison
McCain's bid for the nomination and/or presidency.
The casting call will be coming out within one or
two weeks or so, but in the meantime we have some
important issues to deal with, so I'll hold off
for now.
For now PLEASE go to the convention site Sunday
morning at 8:00am. The fight continues and the
gloves are coming off.
As Ron Paul says, Yours in Liberty,
Though Ron Paul supporters outnumbered Mc-Cane
supporters 700+ to 400+ at the Nevada State
GOP Convention today, the State Party Chairman was
able to cancel the convention and walk out of
the convention hall with security guards. The
State GOP has said they will "reconvene" the
convention at a later as yet unnamed date,
not in Reno but in Las Vegas.
Is there no shame among the GOP Party elites?
And more importantly. ...anyone up for a trip to Las Vegas!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Nevada Convention
-Dan in BA
WMDs all over again
I saw the press conference given by the Syrian embassador in Washington on C-Span yesterday. This is definitely not the representative of a model country, but I couldn't help to feel sympathy with him.
Good background information on this story is provided by Juan Cole on his blog Informed Comment. One of the guesses he makes about the timing of the announcement by the US concurs with my initial suspicion, namely that it had to do with the arrest of an Israeli spy in the US the day before. From a public relations point of view this was perfect timing. The many assertions that all this originated from Cheney's office further adds credibility to this assumption.
BTW, Juan Cole's blog is one of the few places that provide substantive information on the Mideast from within the US without the usual bias. Always worth reading.
-- Johannes from NYC
An Activist's Guide for Exploiting the Media
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Pennsylvania II
-- Johannes from NYC
North Korea helped Syria and both deserve to be attacked NOW ! !
Here, Johannes's favorite, Glenn Greenwald, tells us to be cautious of exactly these kinds of claims presented in that "debate" and also points out that practically every media source is parroting the lines of the White House in this matter, unquestioningly.
(Has anyone else noticed a recurring theme in the things that Johannes, Ben, and I have been writing and posting. I don't think that it is at the heart of things, but we all seen shocked by the lack of honest coverage the media is giving to important issues. I wonder how far away the US is from having a periodical named Truth.)
This here is an intriguing paragraph from the article:
Worse still -- though completely unsurprising -- is the almost complete lack of challenge to the underlying premises. We just accept uncritically the idea that it is the expression of Ultimate Evil for Syria (or Iran) even to pursue nuclear power in accordance with their obligations under the NPT, let alone develop a nuclear weapon, even while Israel stockpiles enormous amounts of nuclear weapons and refuses to be a party to that treaty. Virtually nobody questions the right of Israel simply to attack its neighbors whenever it wants (imagine the reaction if Syria or Iran had unilaterally bombed a facility inside Israel which it claimed was used to develop destructive weapons). And all of that is underscored by recent claims by the Israeli Government that President Bush himself expressly approved of Israeli plans to expand settlement activities in the West Bank at a time when he was pretending to support a halt to that expansion.Later in that same article, Greenwald professes his love for Seymour Hersh.
(not really, he just calls him "a real reporter")
A good day to all of you.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Guiding America
Wesley Snipes
This article from Nolan Chart gives a more positive spin on the Snipes trial:
Does anyone know if Wesley Snipes is a Ron Paul supporter?
Der Wahlkampf ist nie vorbei
The article gives a good overview of the campaign so far, Ron Paul's positions in general, about his new book and why all this is a long term project.
Alltogether an informative piece which proves that Ron Paul is still being noticed here.
-- Johannes from NYC
Friday, April 25, 2008
Great Article Ben ! !
Thursday, April 24, 2008
the war on drugs
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Washington Metro Encounter
Today in Washington DC, when I got on to the Metro at Capital South, some people with familiar faces entered at the same door: Lou Moore (a copy of "Revolution - A Manifesto" under his arm) and Kent Snyder.
I talked to them briefly. Me mentionning the Vienna Meetup group Kent Snyder said that when they started all this they could never have imagined that groups would form in such far places. He asked me whether I had already been at Ron Paul's congressional office, which I was not. I had no idea this would be possible, after all I'm none of Dr. Paul's constituents, not even an American citizen. And that was it basically. I had to get off after two stops. Nice coincidence after all.
-- Johannes from Washington DC
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Freedom Rally
Ron Paul spoke shortly in the beginning. The essence of what he said was something along the lines that this is the beginning, that what has started with his campaign might turn out to be a turning point. Huge cheers for him as well as for his wife Carol ("We love you Carol" people shouted, and somebody added "And we love your cookbook too"...).
Many of the so called Ron Paul Republicans currently running for office got their chance to speak.
The atmosphere was friendly and people were very accessible. E.g, I talked to a meetup organizer from Pennsylvania. They are still very active and work hard for the primary next week. I learned of a recent book called Ron Paul speaks containing Ron Paul quotes by issues. With Philip Haddad, one of the two editors, I had a good conversation. I also talked to some of the candidates running for congress, about the meetup groups, about money...
See a google video of the rally at
-- Johannes
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Progressives against the North American Union
Would You Close Your School to Pay for Iraq
An Article on the Fed and Conspiracy
Jay Rockefeller
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Military Keynesianism
When elaborating on the military industrial complex he uses the term "Military Keynesianism" which was first coined by Polish economist Micha Kalecki in 1943 to explain Nazi Germany's success in overcoming the Great Depression.
"Kalecki understood that government spending on arms increases manufacturing and also has a multiplier effect on general consumer spending by raising workers' incomes. Both of these points are in accordance with general Keynesian doctrine."
In that process the military becomes an important employer, defense research helps bring about new technologies, and helps overall growth.
The downside of it all is of course the encouragement of militarism and the creation of a military industrial complex that ultimately threatens the Republican form of governmen.
Chalmers Johnson talks about Military Keynesianism in the following video.
-- Johannes
Friday, April 11, 2008
Crockett and Ron Paul: Not yours to give
Ralp Nader: How about a taxpayer appreciation day?
3 members met tonight
Ron Paul, China, and Tibet
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Illinois Constitutional Convention
A Petition for April 15
So far we have a little over 3,000 signatures on the Petition to "Restore The Constitution" that is being formally presented to Congress on April 15, 2008 during The Freedom Rally.
In order to present this to congress, we need everyone to sign on. Right now, the signatures on this petition, represent less than half the population in my home town of New Fairfield, CT.
If each person who already signed, would get 10 people to sign, we'd have enough signatures to make a difference and if you haven't signed yet, please do so now: (Direct Link)
I need to close the petition tomorrow evening. Turnaround time is 3 Business days (printing & express shipping). The petition needs to be in our possession by Monday, for the Tuesday presentation.
In Liberty,Isaac Birch
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Obama on NAU
-- Johannes
Saturday, April 5, 2008
A meeting of our group in Chicago
Johannes, Allan, and others met to discuss the thinking of Leo Straus, and how it grew out of 1920's and 30's German thought and how it came to influence the neo-conservative movement in the US. Famed Austrian Wolgang Puck did the catering. - Allan
News From South Dakota
This came through Meetup, ads run in South Dakota. The P.P.S. is very interesting.
- Allan in Highwood
Dear Ron Paul Meetup Organizers and Members:
The following is a link to the various Ron Paul ads I have
placed in my local Sioux Falls, South Dakota shopping paper.
The ad at the very top is the latest which is running now
through April 8th.
I wanted to share this with you with the hope that you might
want to make it one of your Meetup group?s projects to run this
or a similar ad in one of your local papers.
The ad is designed to be 11? x 17?, which also makes it work
well as a poster.
Hope you can use it.
Yours in Ron Paul,
Bill Stegmeier
Here's the link to my ads:
P.S. The next image below the top ad is a picture of my new
72? tall by 93? wide banner which will soon be attached to the
back end of my motor home!
P.S.S. We are up to 24 Ron Paul supporters caravanning from
Sioux Falls, SD to Washington D.C. for the April 15th Freedom
Rally. Speakers include Ron Paul and Bob Schulz as well as
many other great patriots. Dave Von Kleist is the Master of
Ceremonies. We will be traveling mostly along I-80 and would
love to have you join us. Check out the following You Tube
E-mail me for more information on joining our caravan to this
historic event.
P.S.S.S. If you would rather not receive any further Ron Paul
related emails from me, just reply to this email with the words
'enough already!' Otherwise, you?re bound to get a few more
now and then!
An Absolut Map of North America
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Detained by the Portuguese Police
An example of such a story was on today. It goes something like: "Portuguese authorities have detained a ship with passengers on it taking a 93 day around the world cruise. The ship has been detained because of claims against the ship's owners."
These news blurbs are a problem for me, because it the common kind of ridiculous thing that appears on blurbs about the world. It has the effect, I contend, of making the world outside of the US just seem like an absolutely ridiculous place.
- Allan
ALPR video
- Allan in Blue Island
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Is Rove pressuring McCain to take Romney?
Tipsville . . .
Rumble is President Bush's big bucks donors have been holding back the cash from GOP presidential contender John McCain because they want him to pick conservative Mitt Romney as his veepmate.
• Rove 'em: Former Bush strategist Karl Rove is behind the pressure and was the biggest Romney presidential backer.
• Race 'em "Even if McCain loses with Romney as his vice president, the race sets up Romney to run as president again -- and if he wins, then Rove's got himself another president," according to a McCain source.
Restoring the Republic 2008
It's a pity I won't be in the States anymore that time around.
-- Johannes