October 18, 2007
Eric Odom: Yes, Ron Paul Poll Results are ValidPosted
by Tex MacRae at October 18, 2007 05:54 PMI'm so glad Brett Celinski passed this link to me because I had been wondering when Eric Odom would speak up about the Conservative Leadership Conference Straw poll last weekend in Nevada that Ron Paul won decisively.
Because of the Who's Who of Conservatism nature of the attendees at that conference, I expected Ron's win to be particularly convincing and it was:
Many in the media, as well as in the ranks of the Republican party, almost instantly tried to discount the results for the CLC straw poll once PolitcalDerby.com made them public.The problem with this is, this straw poll was conducted on one of the most level playing fields I’ve ever seen. I watched how the straw poll at CPAC was conducted earlier this year, and I’ve studied the process at several other venues since. The straw poll at CLC was carefully conducted by a very trusted group of associates. The process was also heavily debated and discussed in the weeks prior to the actual event.
We knew there was a potential for “cheating” and we took what we saw as the proper steps to ensure fair and relevant results. Judging by the way that other straw polls have ended, we thought it was safe to assume that Romney or Hunter would come out ahead. Romney had a heavy presence at CLC, providing a townhall style meeting as well as a major mid day speech. Duncan Hunter also made a major speech and his supporters turned out in numbers similar to that of Ron Paul.
Ron Paul had a booth in the exhibit hall, but was not present at CLC.
With all of this in mind, we figured that Romney would probably take the lead with Hunter and Paul close behind. This was just a guess, but it made sense at the time.
When the results began to take shape, however, it was clear that the true limited-government minded conservatives present at CLC just didn’t click with any of the major candidates. In fact, Ron Paul walked away with a significant victory.(...)The bottom line is that several hundred limited-government conservatives met here in Reno, Nevada, and agreed that none of the top tier candidates had their support.This is one poll that simply cannot be argued. Ron Paul won the CLC straw poll fair and square.
Link to the article.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Important Ron Paul Success
As our man "-D" pointed out last week, Ron Paul won at a straw poll in Nevada that had an exclusive group of voters. Romney was even in attendance that day, but it did not help him. This piece from Lew Rockwell demonstrates the importance of Ron Paul's win in Nevada last week. - Allan
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